Saturday, April 13, 2013

I know Spring Will Come

Signs of Spring

Well, it has been a long winter and a long time since my last post.  Yet, finally we are seeing signs of Spring in our yard.  No crocuses survived the squirrels, rabbits, and deer.  But the snow drops have and each year the patch gets a little larger.

Then, next to the snow drops was one single dwarf blue iris.  The splash of color from this volunteer is a delight for the eyes.  A reminder that there are more colors in the world than white, brown, and spring green.

Pussy Willows Bloom

And the pussy willow bush is blooming.

Daffodils are up and we can even see the buds forming.  And the bud on the rest of the flowering bushes are starting to swell.

It's Time to Plant Peas

So, with spring starting to show its face, it is time to plant peas.  Each time I look at these small wrinkled orbs I marvel at how they will transform into lush green vines and sweet, delicious peas.  But first we have to wait. . . . . . .

Here is the garden.  The peas are in the center bed.  Next weekend I'll add the radishes and carrots.  As spring progresses it will be hard to wait for the last frost before we plant tomatoes.

Last year was the first year we tried using the old dog pen as a garden fence.  It worked!  It kept the deer out.