Sunday, March 8, 2009


First, this is a work in progress, this author's first attempt at a blog. Second, it will be a collaborative effort. This blog arises out of a six week Adult Nurture class offered at Grosse Ile Presbyterian Church of Grosse Ile, Michigan, relying on the curriculum "Just Eating." The class was so engaged by the topics offered that we could only cover a fraction of what our able leader had compiled. This is in part because the participants were so passionate about the general subject, and because there are so many topics to address under that general one: eat locally? organic? vegetarian? fair trade? with or without high fructose corn syrup? What sources does one believe, Mark Bittman and Barbara Kingsolver or the food industry? And how do our choices affect the economy, the planet, the poor?

This is the place for further discussion on all those issues, and anything else that seems to pertain. In addition, we hope to use it to share resources, such as what's in season or on sale; where's a new farmer's roadside stand; worthwhile recipes; and anything else that seems to pertain to the concept of Just Eating.

1 comment:

  1. Not only is this a great idea, it is visually appealing! Thanks, Pat and Debby for setting this up. I don't think we need any permission from the church...we are not an official arm of the congregation and we do not speak with authority for it.
