Monday, April 6, 2009

Water, Water, Everywhere

and not a drop to collect.  Huh?  Well, I just read an  article in the Wall Street Journal that made me stop and think about our bounty here in Michigan. This article talks about some of the arcane laws in some western states that govern just what you can do with water.

If you are in Colorado, then it is illegal to collect rain water. Water laws in western states like Colorado distribute all the water, that means river water, aquifer water, and rain water, based on water-rights claims that date back to the mid 1800s. In a state as blessed with water as we are in Michigan, it boggles my mind that each drop of rain is so important in regions that I don't think of as arid.

Read the article. Think about the issue from both sides. Then think about how we as Michiganders feel when other states look at our Great Lakes and talk about water diversion.

There are no easy answers. But, I sure am glad I can pursue the idea of a rain barrel without worrying that Debby will have to visit me in jail.

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