Monday, May 28, 2012

Radish Harvest

The past two weeks have seen a lot growth in the garden.  This morning the radishes were calling to be thinned.  Even after pulling this huge bunch of radishes the bed looks just a full as before I started.  Debby has started looking for fun new radish recipes.  One with smashed avacado on toast sounds good.  If that doesn't work we can always fall back on thinly sliced radishes on hot buttered toast.  Both types of radish have a wonderful crisp fresh crunch with a peppery after bite.  Pure spring delight.

Looking around the garden, I see amazing evidence of growth.  The onion sets were put in the ground just over a week ago and their tops are stretching sunward.  I wonder how many peas we will really get since the weather is already so hot.  However, they are still climbing their trellis.  Hope springs eternal.

Kale, spinach, and Swiss chard are all growing like gang busters.  

The basil is filling out into beautiful globes.  The tomatoes are settling in well and starting to fill out.  The carrots will have to be thinned soon.  It has been a wonderful weekend to spend in the garden.   I didn't even mind having to replant the dill in the herb garden.  Since the herb garden doesn't have a high fence, either the rabbits or deer got to the dill.  However, the dill is now safely ensconced inside the fence.  

The morning air has been gentle and breakfast on the deck has been relaxing.  We are quickly making the transition from spring to summer.

As we celebrate this Memorial Day, I want to share this photo I took yesterday morning.  The sun was rising, the sprinkler was watering the garden, and I realized that we had a rainbow.  The rainbow has always been a sign of promise.  

A promise of 
Bounty.  Peace.  Memories.

To all who have served, to all who have gone before, you are not forgotten.

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